Hair Wolf (aka The Chile of Boxer Braid Beckula) with Jay Joseph, Emmanuel Lipscomb, and Alicia Whitley

A black hair salon comes under attack from white girls looking to Columbus their culture. They want braaaaaaids!
Scare Level: Spoopy
Trigger Warnings: Racism, cultural appropriation, racial microagressions

Look out for the horrors of Count Beckula! Hair Wolf is a sharp satire of white appropriation of black culture that cast the appropriations and microaggressions of day to day life in America as a supernatural plague. This movie is an absolute must.
  • Director: Mariama Diallo
  • Writer: Mariama Diallo
  • Stars: Kara Young, Taliah Webster, Madeline Weinstein
  • IMDB says: The staff of a black hair salon fend off a strange new monster: white women intent on sucking the lifeblood from black culture.
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Jay Joseph
Twitter: @cynicalangst

Emmanuel Lipscomb
Twitter: @elipscomb2

Alicia Whitley
Twitter: @aliciawhitley

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