Anna and the Apocalypse (aka Sing it, Ben Wiggins!)

What if High School Musical with zombies and an activist lesbian teen? Join Jeremy, Chris, and Ben as we talk about our love of scenery chewing villains, flesh chewing zombies, and good non-sexualized representation of queer women.
Fright Level: Spoopy (not scary) with mild jump scares and moderate existential dread
Trigger Warnings: zombies, gore, pandemics, high school, musicals, Christmas

Anna and the Apocalypse is a 2017 horror/comedy/musical from Scotland that combines our love of musicals set in high schools and zombie horror comedies set in England. It's directed by John McPhail and it stars Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming, Christopher Leveaux, Marli Siu, Mark Benton, Paul Kaye, and the podcast's new girlfriend Sarah Swire and new boyfriend Ben Wiggins.

This movie has us co-sleeping in ballpits, fantasizing about power throuples, and examining the effects of toxic masculinity on how we deal with apocalypses and friendships. We also talk extensively about Sarah Swire's portrayal of Steph North and how rare it is to have a non-sexualized queer woman with social anxiety, a warm winter wardrobe, and a hatchback in a horror movie, despite the fact that that describes a quarter of our friend group. We are Soldiers at War for this movie and Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Feed by Mira Grant
Cobra Kai
Paper Girls

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Follow Jeremy on twitter @jrome58
Follow Chris on twitter @themythofpsyche
Follow Ben on twitter @benthekahn

Chris's other Podcast "Gotham Outsiders: A Batman Book Club Podcast"

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